Gather Better Insights by Participating in Cross-Functional Training

Question for MSLs and MSL leads: are the insights gathered by MSLs strategically relevant? Do they help drive decision-making? Many teams struggle with gathering decision-grade insights. This can be due to a lack of understanding of what is valuable to the business. MSLs can gather better insights and improve their business acumen with this hack: Participate in cross-functional training.

How to Gather Better Insights

One of the top complaints about MSL insights is that they are not relevant. Medical leadership receives the insights and thinks what am I supposed to do with this? The key to gathering excellent insights that drive decision-making is to ensure that they are aligned with strategy. Not just the medical strategy but also the broader organizational goals.

Getting to know other departments by attending cross-functional training helps MSLs better understand the business strategy holistically. When the MSL knows what is relevant to various stakeholders and the company as a whole, then they can focus on gathering more impactful insights.

How to Participate in Cross-Functional Trainings

Here are 3 ways for MSLs to proactively find training opportunities from different departments and start improving business acumen skills:

1. Express Interest to Leadership:

Gather better insights with cross-functional training: express interest to leadership
  • Action: Approach your manager or leadership team and express your interest in participating in cross-functional training. Highlight how gaining insights into other departments could enhance your role as an MSL.

  • Why: Communicating your interest to leadership ensures that they are aware of your willingness to participate in cross-functional initiatives.

2. Identify Relevant Training Programs:

Gather better insights with cross-functional training: Identify relevant training programs
  • Action: Research and identify cross-functional training programs offered within the organization or externally. Look for courses, workshops, or seminars that cover areas such as marketing, regulatory affairs, market access, and other relevant functions.

  • Why: Actively seeking out relevant training programs demonstrates initiative and a commitment to expanding your skill set.

3. Attend Interdepartmental Meetings:

Gather better insights with cross-functional training: Attend interdepartmental meetings
  • Action: Attend meetings or forums where representatives from different departments gather. This could include town halls, project meetings, or cross-functional working groups.

  • Why: Actively participating in these meetings allows you to observe, learn, and engage with colleagues from other departments in their natural environment.

If you are an MSL lead, leverage these tips to find cross-functional training opportunities to offer to your MSLs. The result is win-win! Your MSL can stay engaged with new learning opportunities and they gather better insights.

More Resources to Gather Better Insights

In addition to understanding the business and being strategic, asking great questions is key to gathering insights. When an MSL is on the hot seat with a KOL/HCP it can be tough to think on the spot and ask the right questions.

I always recommend having a set of go-to questions ready for any situation. Here are resources to help you develop your questions toolkit:

How to ask why without actually asking why cheat sheet thumbnail


MSLs need to have many ways to uncover KOLs motivations without acutally using the word, “why.” Here’s how.

MSL Omnichannel Insights Focus Area Guide Crop


Understand your HCPs’/KOLs’ communication preferences. Use this to have better interactions and gather great insights. 

23 Questions for MSLs in 2023


Download this 1-pager with 23 questions to keep in your back pocket and ask great questions that uncover the why. 

Medical Affairs Value Patrina Pellett Photo

Written by Patrina Pellett, PhD

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