What Does it Mean When an MSL Data Dumps and Why it’s Bad

“The MSLs are just data dumping.”

Have you also noticed a lot of complaints about MSLs data dumping? But what does it actually mean and what’s the underlying issue? Keep reading to learn more about what it means when an MSL data dumps and why it’s bad. This will help you assess your approach with HCPs/KOLs and make any adjustments. Plus there’s a great tip below to help you reengage your audience and avoid going on and on (data dumping).

What does it mean when an MSL data dumps?

Data dumping refers to when an MSL overwhelms HCPs/KOLs with an excessive amount of information in a short period of time. Another key signature of data dumping is when the presentation does not consider the specific needs of the HCPs/KOLs being presented to. And what do HCPs/KOLs want? They want information tailored to their specific context. Read more in my article on What HCPs Want From MSLs. This is why data dumping doesn’t land well. It doesn’t clearly state what’s in it for HCP/KOL and he/she quickly loses interest.

Imagine it like a verbal vomit of information. Or think about it like telling every little detail about the data without reading the room. Everyone is bored to death but the MSL doesn’t notice and just keeps going.

Why is it bad when an MSL data dumps?

It’s bad when an MSL data dumps for a number of reasons. Here are some of the biggies:

1. It doesn’t focus on the needs of the HCP/KOL. This results in the HCP/KOL losing interest, disengaging, and the inability of the MSL to build a connection. No connection, no long-term relationship.

2. HCPs/KOLs may struggle to identify what’s critical or relevant and then lose interest. This directly impacts an MSLs ability to educate their stakeholders and build a relationship. In the worst case, an HCP/KOL may misinterpret the data and or fail to grasp its significance.

3. It wastes time and impacts the MSL’s ability to connect. Time with HCPs/KOLs is limited and that time should be spent building rapport, understanding their needs, and uncovering insights.

You May be Data Dumping if…

Here are some signs that you may be guilty of data dumping. You do NOT:


  • Do your homework on the audience ahead of time
  • Understand the HCPs’/KOLs’ point of view or where they are coming from
  • Provide the broader context
  • Explain how data is bridging a gap
  • Clearly highlight how the improvement in the data impacts clinical practice and patients

Tool to Help You

When presenting and possibly data dumping, having a set of good questions can be helpful to ensure that you are engaging your audience and that they don’t lose interest. If it feels like folks are losing interest or everyone is on their phones, a good question can bring them back and help ensure you are delivering something of value. Here are 3 free resources to help you brainstorm questions to help you read the room and see if you are in the right direction. I am launching some new resources on this so check back soon!

How to ask why without actually asking why cheat sheet thumbnail


MSLs need to have many ways to uncover KOLs motivations without acutally using the word, “why.” Here’s how.

MSL Omnichannel Insights Focus Area Guide Crop


Understand your HCPs’/KOLs’ communication preferences. Use this to have better interactions and gather great insights. 

23 Questions for MSLs in 2023


Download this 1-pager with 23 questions to keep in your back pocket and ask great questions that uncover the why. 


The underlying issue with MSLs data dumping is that it ignores the needs of the HCP/KOL. It doesn’t take their specific situation into account. MSLs are responsible for being an educational resource to HCPs and ultimately building a strong relationship. Data dumping blocks all of these things.

Are you guilty of data dumping? How do you ensure that you are meeting the needs of your HCPs/KOLs and effectively educating them?

If you need help with building relationships with KOLs and/or internal stakeholders, reach out. I am happy to help and offer coaching services!

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