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How to Use AI to Uncover What Your KOL Values
One of the top challenges for MSLs is gaining access to KOLs. Emails go unanswered, and many MSLs feel like they’re being ghosted. It can feel impossible to build relationships and get meetings, especially when the advice is always the same: “add value.” But what does that really mean? How do you figure out what your KOL actually values?
Unfortunately, there is no silver bullet. There isn’t one thing an MSL can do and then magically know how to add value. It’s a process of trial and error. The challenge of figuring out what your KOL values is a great application for AI. It can give you ideas to try out.
While AI can give you some great ideas, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach. You need to experiment, and at the end of the day, you’ll have to figure out what works for each individual KOL. Everyone is different! In this post, we’ll walk through a simple way to use AI to uncover what your KOL values and things to try to get access so you can build relationships.
Before We Start: A Quick Reminder
Before we get into the prompt, one important reminder: Always follow your company’s AI policies! Never put proprietary information into a public AI model. Ensure that anything you input is public or non-sensitive data.
An AI Prompt to Uncover What Your KOL Values
To get started, here’s a simple prompt you can use to generate ideas before your next KOL meeting. This prompt will help you figure out what your KOL may value, their challenges, and how you may be able to support them.
Instructions: Copy the prompt below, paste it into an AI tool, and fill in the brackets with the relevant details. If some of the questions don’t apply to your situation, feel free to delete them or adjust as needed. Watch the video to see how I use the prompt in ChatGPT.
How to Add Value to KOLs Prompt:
“You are an experienced senior MSL and an expert in identifying what different KOLs value to help build long-term relationships. I need you to help me understand how I can add value to my upcoming meeting with a Key Opinion Leader (KOL). Here’s what I know so far about the KOL:”
– KOL Name: [insert KOL’s name]
– Institution: [insert institution or company]
– Area of Expertise: [insert their therapeutic area or research focus]
– Relevant Publication: [copy-paste publication here]
Please provide insights into the following:
1. A high-level summary of the KOL’s likely motivations. I.e., this KOL focuses a lot on clinical research and is likely interested in [insert potential area of interest or just type XYZ].
2. What are likely the top challenges or pain points for this KOL in their area of expertise?
3. What key trends or emerging research topics might be important to them based on their current focus?
4. What data, resources, or support could I offer to address their challenges or advance their work?
5. How can I personalize my communication or engagement to align with their values and professional goals?
6. What are potential conversation starters based on their recent publications or research?
7. What are some of the key professional relationships or collaborations that might be important for this KOL, and how could I leverage these to add value?
8. Based on the KOL’s communication style, how can I best align my tone and delivery to match their preferences?
9. What follow-up actions could I take after the meeting to ensure I remain top-of-mind and continue building the relationship?
10. Are there any non-professional interests or affiliations that I should be aware of that might help me build rapport or strengthen the relationship?”
How to Add Value to KOLs Prompt Results From ChatGPT
Review the output below and share your thoughts! Does this make you think more broadly about ways to add value?
Don’t be Afraid to Experiment!
This prompt can be leveled up in a number of ways:
- Try another AI tool: The Chat with PDF feature of SciSpace would be perfect for this. Upload the PDF and plug in the prompt questions.
- Modify the prompt: instead of a publication add in social media posts or podcast transcripts.
- Ask for other considerations and more suggestions: add a question about additional considerations. Or have it dig more deeply into a part you find interesting.
Conclusion: How To Use AI To Uncover What Your KOL Values
Using AI to help uncover what your KOL values is a great way to get more ideas, but remember, it’s trial and error. AI can give you plenty of suggestions, but ultimately, you will need to test what works best for each KOL. There’s no silver bullet. By consistently experimenting with the information AI provides and paying attention to how your KOL responds, you can refine your approach over time.
Pro Tip: If you want to streamline this process, consider using my KOL Profile Template to organize your findings and interactions. It’s a great tool to help keep track of your insights and personalize your engagement.
Now it’s your turn. Try the prompt, tweak it, and see how the results work for you. Let me know how it goes!

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