Be More Strategic by Investing in Yourself

Strategic thinking in Medical Affairs means effectively planning for the future, connecting the dots, and anticipating opportunities and challenges. How can Medical Affairs folks actually be more strategic? Investing in yourself is key! Here’s why. 


Why Investing in Yourself Improves Your Strategic Thinking


My recent travels to India for yoga teacher training inspired me to write this article. Since returning, I have been exploding with enthusiasm and creativity. Even though this training was not related to Medical Affairs I learned so many skills critical skills that I am applying to my content creation. Plus I just feel so creative since coming back and that feels great.

Additionally, investing in yourself is motivating. Have you ever noticed how motivated you feel leaving a training? Capture that and use it to improve your strategic thinking.

To give the best possible tips and help inspire you to invest more in yourself, I partnered up with personal development guru, Tom Caravela. Keep reading for our top tips.

3 Ways to Invest in Yourself & Be More Strategic


Commit to One Training/Personal Development Activity Per Year

It is so important to continually improve your skills! Have you noticed how high-level executives are always doing this? They are constantly attending trainings or have executive coaches. That is because it enables them to be at the top of their game.

Decide what skills you want to improve or an area that you want to learn more about and get it on your calendar.


Buy Tools and Resources That Make Your Life Easier

Are you spending a lot of time doing manual/unenjoyable work that takes away from you being strategic? If there is a tool or resource that can save you time. Buy it! Free up your time and start kicking butt with all your strategic thinking. Investing in yourself doesn’t just mean learning new skills.


Develop a Meditation Practice to Clear Your Mind & Improve Decision-Making

Medical Affairs professionals have a lot going on! We are operating in complex and dynamic situations. Having a meditation practice helps you focus on what is important and improve decision-making.

There are many ways to meditate. It is all about finding something that works for you. The goal should be to have quiet time to process thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Meditation can mean sitting in a cross-legged position with a super straight back and chanting ommmmm. But it doesn’t have to!

Tom meditates first thing in the morning before reaching for his phone. He meditates on his daily intention strategy and prayer for 30 minutes before heading to the gym. I also like to meditate first thing in the morning and use an app to do a guided meditation for 15-20 minutes. I change up the focus each day but tend to focus on setting the quality I want to bring to the day or how to reduce stress and anxiety. Experiment to find what works for you and pay attention to how meditation makes you feel.

Conclusion: Be More Strategic by Investing in Yourself

Investing in yourself helps you to develop skills to creatively problem-solve, identify trends, and add value. Folks who continuously work on personal development are able to apply their new skills to being more strategic. This makes them stand out among colleagues and have a larger impact in their organizations. It’s a win-win.

Is your favorite personal development activity not on this list? Please share!

Be More Strategic by Investing in Yourself

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